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White Sox Card of the Day

Al Zarilla
"Zeke" is the only player in American League history to hit 2 triples in one inning. After 5 years in the minors, he broke in with the Browns in the middle of the '43 season. In 1944, he played on the Browns' only pennant winning team, hitting .299. Zeke was in Service in 1945. In 1948, he hit .329 and was traded to the Red Sox, where he batted .277 and .325 in '49 and '50. He went to the White Sox in 1951 in a 5-player trade.

Daily Position Focus: Catcher

Marc Hill
Sandy Alomar
Gustavo Molina
A.J. Pierzynski
View more Catcher position cards in the White Sox Catcher Gallery.

Recent Additions

Ken Griffey, Jr.
Frank Thomas
Luis Robert, Jr.

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* Factoid: Robin Ventura played Third Base for the mighty White Sox.
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Three of the most potent bats in the American League belong to Bill Skowron, Johnny Romano and Floyd Robinson. Chicago's big first baseman, known affectionately as The Moose, has topped the .300 mark five times since beginning his big league career. In the 1963 World Series, Bill batted .385 vs. his ex-mates, The New York Yankees. Backstop Johnny Romano returned to Chicago in 1965 after spending five seasons with the Cleveland Indians. The big catcher has played in 3 All-Star games and had his best year in 1961 when he batted .299. Outfielder Floyd Robinson has hit over .300 in three of his five full campaigns with the Pale Hose. In 1962 Floyd tied a major league record when he cracked 6 hits in 6 at bats in a ballgame. That year, he topped the American League with 45 doubles.

Though the shortstop's average dipped in '65, Ron still finished 2nd on the club in RBIs. Ron has an All-Star batting mark of .500.

Hoyt's greatest game was a 1-0 no-hitter which he hurled against the New York Yankees in September 1958. Hoyt began his Minor League baseball career back in 1942!

Rookie Cards

Jake Burger
Jerry Owens
Joel Horlen

Gallery Redux!

Paul Konerko, First Base - White Sox.
Bobby Thigpen, Pitcher - White Sox.

Back to the Front! White Sox card back du jour...

Nelson Fox
Nellie is one of the snappiest little fielders in the business, and a fellow who knows how to use a baseball bat to good advantage. His .983 fielding average in 1953 was the third best in the league, three points back of the average compiled by the leader. He hit .285 for 154 games, and had 31 doubles and 72 runs batted in. Nellie got into baseball when his mother loaded him in a truck and drove him to a Philadelphia Athletics training camp, where he made a good impression.

White Sox
Total Card Count


You can browse all the available White Sox cards in the White Sox Team Gallery