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Golden Seals Card of the Day

Harry Howell
This veteran defenseman was the backbone of the Ranger Club for seventeen seasons and after fifteen years in the NHL won the best defenseman award. A smart playmaker, Harry has been a big help to California in passing on his experience to their younger defensemen.

Daily Position Focus: Defense

Carol Vadnais
Marshall Johnston
Carol Vadnais
Harry Howell
View more Defense position cards in the Golden Seals Defense Gallery.

Recent Additions

Gerry Ehman
Bill Hicke
Gary Jarrett

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* Factoid: Stan Gilbertson played Left Wing for the mighty Golden Seals.
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Name that player!

The man with the wildlypainted facemask chalked up 15 victories for the Seals last season. His first start in the National Hockey League was a 3-0 shutout win over Atlanta.

A succession of injuries detoured Bert Marshall in 1966-67 after he nearly won the National Hockey League's rookie of the year award the year before. He's out of Western Canada and played junior hockey for the Edmonton Oil Kings.

With 12 National Hockey League seasons and almost 700 games played, behind him, high-scoring Billy is one of the NHL's "old pros." He started with Toronto and went on to score 22 goals in 1958-59, al- though used chiefly as a checker.

Rookie Cards

Bob Murdoch
John Brenneman
Larry Patey

Gallery Redux!

Mike Laughton, Center - Golden Seals.
Ivan Boldirev, Center - Golden Seals.

Back to the Front! Golden Seals card back du jour...

Ivan Boldirev
Ivan missed 22 games with injuries last season, and should show great improvement this year. He is a top-notch playmaker who broke into the NHL with Boston in 1971 before being traded to the Seals. Big and strong, Ivan can maintain possession of the puck despite strong checking against him.

Golden Seals
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