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Displaying 1 - 36 of 3047 cards with the category or tag

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270 Cleveland Cavaliers
382 New Jersey Nets: Nets Gain: Kenny Anderson
400 Checklist 325-400
66 NBA Eastern Finals: Knicks Vs. Celtics
198 1994 USA Basketball Team
488 Rookie Checklist
162 John Stockton, Karl Malone, Jeff Hornacek, Bryon Russell, Antoine Carr
49 David Thompson, Dan Issel, Kenny Higgs
309 Best Single Game Performance Rebounds: Larry Smith, Jerome Lane
230 Mario Elie, George McCloud
164 Knicks Rebounding Leaders: Bill Cartwright
300 Checklist 269-300, Inserts
406 Top 40 Rebounders: Vin Baker
334 Checklist 168-250
