Categories/Tags: Card

Displaying 181 - 216 of 11047 cards with the category or tag

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15 01.07 Color Blind: No More Lies
17 01.08 Time Will Tell: The Whole Truth?
16 01.08 Time Will Tell: Under Suspicion
18 01.09 Mea Culpa: Agent Down
19 01.09 Mea Culpa: Someone's Listening
21 01.10 Spirit: Twisted Web
20 01.10 Spirit: Whodunit
23 01.11 The Confession: All In The Family
22 01.11 The Confession: Who To Trust
24 01.12: The Box, Pt 1: Under Siege
25 01.12: The Box, Pt 1: Working For The Man
26 01.13: The Box, Pt 2: Teamwork
27 01.13: The Box, Pt 2: Unyielding
29 01.14 The Coup: Betrayal
28 01.14 The Coup: Deception
30 01.15 Page 47: Dinner With Friends
31 01.15 Page 47: The Purloined Page
32 01.16: The Prophecy: Dilemma
33 01.16: The Prophecy: One Calm Moment
35 01.17 Q & A: Breakout
34 01.17 Q & A: Dear Old Dad
36 01.18 Masquerade: Just Tourists
37 01.18 Masquerade: Moving On
38 01.19 Snowman: Left Hanging
39 01.19 Snowman: Unmasked
40 01.20 The Solution: Disguised
41 01.20 The Solution: Face Of A Friend
42 01.21 Rendezvous: Enticing
43 01.21 Rendezvous: Exposed
44 01.22 Almost Thirty Years: Losses
45 01.22 Almost Thirty Years: Reunion
2 02.01 The Enemy Walks In: The Man
3 02.01 The Enemy Walks In: Walk In
5 02.02 Trust Me: Countermission
4 02.02 Trust Me: Reunion
7 02.03 Cipher: Concern
