Odes To Those Beloved Baseball Cards


This article from the Lawrence Journal-World gathers the earliest memories from a group of six former and current card collectors who, by and large, really miss the good old days.

Curator of Collections, Card Cyber Museum
Sunday, April 9, 2006


I still can see myself shuffling through a pack of 1986 Topps baseball cards while breaking my baby teeth on the stick of gum. Moose Haas. Jerry Don Gleaton. Cesar Geronimo. Bob Knepper. Didn't know them from a dentist in Detroit.

But wait... oh my lucky stars. It's George Brett.

I was 5 years old, and the memory is as clear as day. Every time I came across a Kansas City Royals player, I announced it to my father, who then would tell me if he was a stiff or a stud. Onix Concepcion? Steve Farr? Ehh. George Brett? Yeah, son, hold on to that one.