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Christopher Morel
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Obtained from the Cleveland Indians on April 11, 1965, Ted went right to work for the Cubs and became the dean of the Chicago bullpen. The submarining righthander went on to become the big league's most active hurler last year, appearing in 84 ballgames. Ted was credited with saving 24 ballgames for Chicago in 1965.
An all-around athlete, Calvin chose baseball as a career. He broke into the majors with a beautifully pitched 5-1 victory over St. Louis in April, 1962. That same year in July, Calvin thrilled the fans with a splendid one-hit shutout over Cincinnati. The club feels that Calvin will be one of their top pitchers in '66.
Had 10 wins and 16 losses in 1950. Did mound duty 39 times. Became a major-leaguer at the end of the 1941 season, winning 2 games for the Cubs. A glance at 1948 will give an idea of what Johnny can do on the mound. With a cellar ball club, his record was 18-13. His earned run average, 2.64, was fourth lowest in the League. In 1949 he had an 11-13 record. In the service 3 years.
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Kris Bryant
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