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Oilers Card of the Day

Tom Regner
Tom moved in as a starter for the Oilers at left guard in 1968 and has done a fine job these past two seasons. He is a powerful straight ahead blocker and an excellent blocker on sweeps. He has improved his pass protection during the past three seasons. Tom was a consensus All-American guard at Notre Dame and was considered one of the best blocking guards in Irish history. A defensive tackle as a sophomore in college, Tom suffered a broken wrist in the 1967 AFL championship game but has recovered nicely.

Daily Position Focus: Wide Receiver

Haywood Jeffires
Haywood Jeffires
Haywood Jeffires
Ernest Givins
View more Wide Receiver position cards in the Oilers Wide Receiver Gallery.

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Eddie George
Earl Campbell
Warren Moon

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* Factoid: Eddie Robinson played Linebacker for the mighty Oilers.
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Tied for Oilers' lead in forced fumbles and 2nd in interceptions last season ...Led defensive backs in tackles for 4th consecutive season...Returned interception 58 yards for TD against Bills (1/3) in playoffs.

The fleet-footed defensive star was obtained from the San Diego Chargers. Miller averaged 22.7 yards per interception last season. He can also perform as an offensive halfback if he is needed.

Houston acquired Sonny from the Oakland Raiders prior to the 1964 campaign and he has been their regular guard ever since. Sonny is one of the steadiest linemen in professional football. He is particularly effective as the lead blocker on sweeps, getting a good jump from the line of scrimmage.

Rookie Cards

Lawrence Elkins
Rob Carpenter
Carl Roaches

Gallery Redux!

Warren Moon, Quarterback - Oilers.
Willard Dewveall, End - Oilers.

Back to the Front! Oilers card back du jour...

Billy Cannon
Highly-touted Billy was slow getting started as a rookie, but by season's end was a devastating runner. Cannon ranked third in AFL with 4.2-yd. average.

Total Card Count


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