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Browns Card of the Day

Cleveland Browns
In their eight years in the NFL, the Browns have failed only once to win at least their conference championship. That was in 1956. But they bounced back last year to win the Eastern Conference title. They were founded, organized and have been brilliantly coached by Paul Brown, who led them to four consecutive championships from 1946-49.

Daily Position Focus: Linebacker

John Garlington
Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah
Jamie Collins
D'Qwell Jackson
View more Linebacker position cards in the Browns Linebacker Gallery.

Recent Additions

Myles Garrett
Myles Garrett
Myles Garrett

Browns Gallery

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* Factoid: Braylon Edwards played Wide Receiver for the mighty Browns.
Browse Cards by Decade

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One of the real talented N.F.L. veterans, Bob joined the Browns back in 1952. He was originally the Packers' first draft choice after two years as All-American at Kentucky.

John was drafted as a future in '60 as a defensive end. Moved to offense to take advantage of his fine blocking. He played as the slot end until '66 when he was moved to linebacker where his size and speed made him outstanding.

The Browns continued to be one of the N.F.L.'s roughest clubs as they finished third in the Eastern Division standings. Led by Jimmy Brown, the team gained 1,772 yards rushing.

Rookie Cards

Junior Wren
Brandon Weeden
Kamerion Wimbley

Gallery Redux!

Johnny Evans, Punter - Browns.
Derrick Alexander, Wide Receiver - Browns.

Back to the Front! Browns card back du jour...

Jim Shofner
Jim not only patrols his territory like a policeman but is an air raid warden when it comes to passes. Last season he picked one off and dashed 30 yards before the enemy caught up with him.

Total Card Count


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