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Yanks Card of the Day

Michael (Mike) Micka
"Iron Man Mike" was one of the top defensive backs in the NFL last year... Started his pro career with the Redskins and was traded to the Yanks in 1945... after two and a half impressive years owner Ted Collins has elevated Mike to a coaching berth. Is the youngest coach in the National Football League.

Daily Position Focus: Fullback

Zollie Toth
George Musacco
View more Fullback position cards in the Yanks Fullback Gallery.

Recent Additions

Francis (Fritz) Barzilauskas
Harold (Hal) Crisler
Frank (Boley) Dancewicz

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* Factoid: John Rauch played Quarterback for the mighty Yanks.
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Broke into pro football with Buffalo Bills. Helped raise them from cellar club to contender with passing, generalship and deceptive handling. One of game's best long passers. Played quarterback for Notre Dame. Won letters in basketball, baseball, tennis. Off-season student for law degree. Plays piano professionally.

Rookie Cards

Joe Golding
Bruce Alford
Claude Young

Gallery Redux!

Joe Golding, Halfback - Yanks.
George Ratterman, Quarterback - Yanks.

Back to the Front! Yanks card back du jour...

George Ratterman
Broke into pro football with Buffalo Bills. Helped raise them from cellar club to contender with passing, generalship and deceptive handling. One of game's best long passers. Played quarterback for Notre Dame. Won letters in basketball, baseball, tennis. Off-season student for law degree. Plays piano professionally.

Card Sets

Here is a selection of card sets featuring players from this team. The number of players included from the team is also shown.

Total Card Count


You can browse all the available Yanks cards in the Yanks Team Gallery