Basketball Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Who has the highest percentage of passes in one season?

Harry Gilner of Alabama. 64.8% in 1945.

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Mark Jackson, Gary Grant
Buck Williams
Hakeem Olajuwon
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George Lehmann
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Bill provides Knicks with a fluid offense and plays a key role in team's defensive setup. He was a big scorer on intercollegiate circuit, scoring 2,503 points in an 83-game Princeton varsity career.

In addition to leading the Nets in rebounds and placing second in points scored, Gilliam was the only Nets' player to appear in every game in 1994-95.

Ray can score with hook shots from either hand - and that makes him a rough man to stop. In his 4 previous pro campaigns he saw action in every game and as a newcomer in '53-'54 won Rookie of the Year honors. Using his tremendous height to great advantage, Ray sweeps the boards with ease.

Chris Mullen

Rookie Cards

Kenyon Martin
Chris Richard
Steve Scheffler

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Julius Erving
Larry Bird
Yao Ming

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Dirk Nowitzki