Basketball Card Trivia
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From the 1971
card #196
Who led '70-71 Rockets in free throws, assists and scoring?
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The acquisition of Dave marked a drastic upswing in Knick fortunes, as the past two years were the greatest in club history. A star on court & diamond for U. of Detroit, Dave joined NBA upon graduation and pitched for the White Sox in the summers of 1962 and 1963.
Called by some the fastest player in the league, Randy became the first Brave in history to play in all 82 regular season games when he turned the trick in 1972-73. His 422 Assists topped by 16 Mahdi Abdul-Rahman's club record for a sea. son. Randy's Average Per Game was 5.1 but he was averaging 6 per game the last two thirds of the campaign.
Looks like a kid - plays like a man. Shoots from long range with the coolness of an assassin.
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