Basketball Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Who had the best completion percentage in 1958?

John Brodie, 49ers a 59.9% completion record.

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George Thompson, Larry Finch, Randy Denton
Peyton Siva
Orlando Woolridge
Dan Schayes
Dan Majerle
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

In a game vs. Trail Blazers last February 9th, Jerry West injured himself. Gail took over offense of Lakers scoring 46 Points as the Lakers scored a 110-103 victory. Gail is a fine defensive player, he adjusts well to game conditions.

Magic led Lakers with 187 Steals last season and made NBA's All-Rookie Team.

The WNBA took a respite during the Summer Games in 2021, and Russell cranked up the heat on defenders when the action resumed. Across Seattle's 11 contests from Aug. 16 through the end of the regular season, the scorching center torched the twine with a .661 field-goal percentage (39-of-59).

Lloyd Daniels

Rookie Cards

Vincent Yarbrough
Loren Woods
Sam Young

Recent Additions

Julius Erving
Larry Bird
Yao Ming

Total Card Count


Caron Butler