Basketball Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Was Rosey active as a college athlete?

Yes. He won 4 letters in football, 2 in wrestling, 1 in baseball and several heavyweight titles.

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Tim Hardaway
Xavier McDaniel
Juwan Howard
Jonathan Mogbo
Chucky Brown
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

One of the most underrated guards in the league...Ranked among top NBA guards in field goal percentage for the second straight season... Ranked among league leaders in three-point shooting and field goal percentage...Became second Big Eight player to collect over 1,000 points and 600 assists in career.

Often compared to Michael Jordan because of his acrobatic slams, Ron hasn't lost a step despite major knee surgery in 1990. In his first full season back (1991-92), Ron didn't miss a single game.

One of the NBA's premier defensive players, Payton ranked fourth in the league in steals and seventh in assists. He is second in Sonics history in those same two categories.

Shatori Walker-Kimbrough

Rookie Cards

Emanual Davis
Martin Muursepp
Jason Kidd

Recent Additions

Julius Erving
Larry Bird
Yao Ming

Total Card Count


Phil Jackson