Basketball Card Trivia
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Coffee Talk Name that player!
Caz was averaging more than 18 pts. when he broke his ankle last Jan. 21. Came back on sheer courage to play in 5 playoff games. Has long arms and big hands, can play forecourt or back.
Miami guard Harold Miner set the tone for the 1993 Slam-Dunk Championship with his opening slam, which not only earned the second-highest score of any dunk in the 1993 competition (49.0) but also brought the courtside gallery of NBA stars to its feet. Miner's trademark smile and showmanship made him the crowd favorite, and the judges agreed, giving him the title after he tallied 97.4 points in the finals. Miner, who had already won after two dunks, turned in the highest score of the day with his final jam, which earned 49.4 points.
Has led Bulleis in assists the past 2 seasons. Had game high of 29 points for Bullets, 1974-75. Drafted #3-1972 by Baltimore.
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