Basketball Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Which NBA player scored most pts. in a '70-71 game?

ANS: Dave Bing with 54 against the Bulls, 2-21-71.

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Dave Robisch
Tony Parker
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Anderson Varejao
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

A dynamic ball-handler who can dish as well as any one in the league, Anderson brings a certain element of fun to the floor. His distribution, dribbling and leadership are key factors in his ability to overcome the largest of obstacles.

Billy provides the Nuggets with quickness in the backcourt. His 1980-81 statistics included 360 Assists, 99 Steals and 11 Blocked Shots. Billy became Northwestern's all-time scoring leader while still a junior. Had 1900 Points.

A seasoned veteran with the zeal of a rookie, Walt shows enthusiasm if he's on the bench, knocking elbows with an opposing forward or moving to the backcourt. Scored 25 points in playoff game vs. Utah in 1971.

Jason Kidd

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