Basketball Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

What is Walt Bellamy's nickname?

ANS: "Bells".

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Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Drafted by L.A. Clippers on the first round, sixth pick, in 1988. Traded to Philadelphia on draft day in 1988... Named to NBA All-rookie team in 1989... Member of 1988 U.S. Olympic team... Led the nation in scoring in 1987-88 with a 36.3 average at Bradley.

One of the league's great shooters, Rice is toughest when it counts the most, tying for the lead in NBA overtime points (38) last season. He has started 103 consecutive games.

Nicknamed the "Cat," Earl is one of the quickest, most graceful players in the game. He is an excellent jumper and ranks No. 3 in Nats' rebounds. Earl sometimes gets into trouble in the foul column but it's the kind of basketball that makes him so popular with Nat fans.

Zan Tabak

Rookie Cards

Antonio McDyess
Eric Piatkowski
Michael Finley

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Julius Erving
Larry Bird
Yao Ming

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Kendrick Nunn