Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

What is "razzle dazzle" in football?

A game that has a great deal of passing and lateraling.

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Charles Cross
Herschel Walker
Kerry Collins
Danny Amendola
William Roberts
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Jim blossomed into a fine offensive lineman in 1967 after gaining a starting assignment from the injury riddled Falcons. Jim now holds down a regular guard position on the strength of his aggressive, hard-hitting play. Extremely versatile, Jim can also handle a tackle or defensive end slot.

An awesome physical specimen, Junior has superb combination of size, speed and strength. He's an explosive hitter who holds his ground at the point of attack. Junior was unanimous All-American and All-PAC 10 Conference choice at USC in 1989. He had 19 QB Sacks last year.

Jim can pull out of the line to lead interference or hold his ground to protect the passer. A standout in college, he has plenty of stamina and eats up the rock 'em, sock 'em play of the N.F.L.

Richmond Webb

Rookie Cards

Eric Ebron
Bill Zapalac
Andre Branch

Recent Additions

Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

Total Card Count


Willie Gault