Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Who set the record for the most yards per punt returned in a season?

Griffin of Florida. 26.7 in 1947.

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Lee Suggs
John Abraham
Carlos Jenkins
Milt Plum
Mike Elkins
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

The rugged linebacker is one of the original Boston players. Alert, with quick reaction and a hard-nose tackler, Tom is one of the best defensive players in the American Football League. Tom is the Patriots' defensive captain.

The last time the Bengals selected a wide receiver in the top five, they nabbed A.J. Green out of the University of Georgia at No. 4 in 2011. Good pick: Green ran up 9,430 receiving yards and 65 TDs in 10 seasons in Cincinnati. A decade later, the Bengals nabbed Chase at No.5 with the hope that he'll put up similar numbers as Green's replacement.

Jim can pull out of the line to lead interference or hold his ground to protect the passer. A standout in college, he has plenty of stamina and eats up the rock 'em, sock 'em play of the N.F.L.

Alfred Morris

Rookie Cards

Jordan Reed
Mike Kruczek
Antwaan Randle El

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Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

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Andrew Luck