Football Card Trivia
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What team holds the record for most yards gained in one season?
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The Giants stumbled to Dallas in their 2023 opener and found trouble again when they trailed, 20-0, at the break in Arizona the next week. That's when Jones got New York back on track with a 14-yard scoring run. His pair of fourth-quarter touchdown tosses then set the stage for a remarkable 31-28 triumph.
Bobby has done just about everything for the Cards. He was their kicker for his first three years and has played at HB, DB and now a flanker. He owns the Cards' season receiving record with 73. He caught 34 for 388 yards.
Tom could run like a deer and pass like a sharpshooter. As a sophomore he scored 3 T.D.'s against Yale, Harvard and Penn! The following year he ran for 4 scores against California, and was 2nd in ground gaining. In his last college game he raced for 3 T.D.'s and passed for 2 others.
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