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When Paul Brown took over at Cleveland, about 6 years ago, he promised the Ohio fans the best in big-time football. He kept his word with five straight championship teams. The Browns 1951 record was 11 wins and 1 loss. The championship game was lost to the Rams: Before coming to Cleveland, Paul Brown turned out winning teams at Severn Prep Massillon High School, Ohio State University, Great Lakes Naval Station. At Great Lakes, in 1945, he built a squad of green youngsters into a powerful outfit which defeated Notre Dame 39 to 7 in the year's biggest grid upset. A play-to-win coach who inspires his men to their best.
Wiggins can play in any scheme a defensive coordinator can dream up. Showcasing elite speed, the cornerback never has any trouble going stride for stride with his receiver. He can also drop back into zone coverage, anticipating the pass and jumping the route for a timely pass breakup."
One of the smartest defenders in the game, Joe puts up a "No Trespassing" sign in the Lions' secondary. He can diagnose plays brilliantly and is rarely out of position.
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