Football Card Trivia
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Coffee Talk Name that player!
"Red" was the greatest runner in college football history. No team could stop him as he romped for 4,000 yards in 3 seasons and an all time record. In his senior year against Michigan he carried the ball only 5 times and scored 5 T.D.'s - 4 of them in the first 10 minutes of the game.
Notice the manner in which Ed Matesic, Philadelphia Eagle half back, has the ball balanced in his hand to throw the forward pass. If the thrower has long fingers the ball may ne grasped, usually with the fingers across the laces and thrown with a little flip of the finger tips to impart a spiral. But short fingered players can become good passers by acquiring the knack of laying the ball in palm and finding its centre of balance. Accurate throwing takes long practice in which two players by passing the ball back and forth, can perfect the knack of easy catching and accurate passing at the same time. Ed Matesic, Philadelphia Eagles, from University of Pittsburgh. Home, Benwood, W. Va. 23 years old, 6 ft. 1 inch tall, 195 pounds.
The Eagles acquired Al from the Baltimore Colts in exchange for Timmy Brown in early 1968. In 1967, Alvin missed the first 7 games of the season and still finished 2nd in punt returns in the N.F.L.; was tops in returns in '65 and '66.
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