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Coffee Talk Name that player!
Kent is rugged and fast, a combination which makes him a natural enemy of opposing quarterbacks. Played in the 1966 All-Star game!
Although handicapped by broken finger on throwing hand, pitched nine touchdown passes in his rookie season last year. His record last year for average yards gained by passing was number one for the Redskins and sixth in the NFL. On everybody's All-America in 1952 after he had directed Maryland to its greatest winning streak - 22 consecutive games without defeat. In three collegiate seasons, threw 22 touchdown passes and scored 14 TD's himself. Jack was born in Baltimore, attended Poly High. Married, has one son. During off-season he is continuing his studies.
Karl has played at 7 defensive positions since joining the Broncos. Last season he was accorded Pro Bowl recognition for the 2nd time in his career and saw action in Classic at Honolulu, 2-1-87. Karl was credited with 9 1/2 QB Sacks for losses totalling 96 Yards in 1986. He also recorded 83 Tackles and 44 Assists during campaign for Broncos.
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