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Coffee Talk Name that player!
The Cowboys clinched second place in the Eastern Conference by beating the Giants twice in '65. This gave them the chance to perform in the Playoff Bowl, in Miami, against the Colts. Dallas went down to a 35 to 3 defeat in the game.
Fifth year in pro football. Joe played for Brooklyn in 1948. Traded to the Browns before the 1949 campaign opened. With the Packers in 1950 and 1951. Enrolled at Oklahoma A. and M. after discharge from the Army. Chosen as team captain during his senior year. Took part in the 1948 East-West game at San Francisco. Helps out in coaching at Oklahoma during the off-season, and works for a master's degree. Born in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Aug. 15, 1923. Played tackle for three years on the Capitol Hill High School team in Oklahoma City. After high school came three years in the service.
Last year was John's third straight year as an all-pro and a member of the West's Pro Bowl Team. He is one of the league's finest offensive guards. He does an exceptional job as a pass protector and in leading wide running plays.
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