Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Which college club is nicknamed "The Cyclones"?

Iowa State

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Name that player!

Balancing books and ball, Murphy majored in construction science management while performing at an All-ACC level on the gridiron. "Being in the Clemson football program really teaches you time management," said the studious defensive end and first team all-conference selection.

Steve's 68 Catches in 1985 ranked first among NFC O tight ends. His initial NFL Touchdown resulted from 23-yard Reception vs. Oilers, 10-16-83.

With soft hands and enough speed to separate from defenders, Ditka landed in Chicago in 1961 and set the football world ablaze, taking his place as the game's best tight end. During a campaign in which he took home Rookie of the Year honors, he topped 1,000 receiving yards and tallied a career-best 12 touchdown grabs.

Dick Todd

Rookie Cards

William Perry
B.J. Raji
Andre Hall

Recent Additions

Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

Total Card Count


Jerry Rice