Football Card Trivia
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In which bowl last year did Joe record his first punt retum TD since 1961?
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Versatile Alex was Atlanta's leading pass receiver last season with 44 receptions and 661 yards. Two grabs were for TD's. Before coming to Atlanta, he had been used as a running back, receiver and on the specialty team.
Brett has already been assured a spot pro football's Hall of Fame. Favre was named the league's MVP for second straight time in 1996, an honor only Joe Montana achieved. In last two years, Favre has 77 TD passes and is the third fastest QB in the NFL to reach 100. Before the season Brett promised, "It's the Super Bowl or bust." Once he got the Packers there, Favre destroyed the Patriots with two TD passes in a 35-21 victory.
Played fullback in high school because he was only player fast enough to block for brother, Raghib... Campaigns for proper spelling of first name, seeking to eliminate frequent addition of incorrect "u"... Has degree in speech.
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