Football Card Trivia
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The Bills were severely jolted last year when their all-star tackle was injured. However, Stew's knee is completely healed and he is ready to resume his duties in '66. Was originally a linebacker.
Gary is developing into a flanker. He was the second pick of the Brown's two first round choices in '62. He grabbed 50 passes in '65, gaining 884 yards, making 10 TDs and averaging 17.7 yards per gain. His longest gain last year was 67 yards.
Ernie Smith is a former Southern California tackle on the 1932 Intercolligate football champions, an All-American player and great point kicker. In his last college season he kicked 18 goals after touchdown, and was the spearhead through which most of the Trojan yardage was gained. Almost 6 feet three inches in height and weighing 220, he blocked no less than eleven punts during the season. He is one of the few college players who, after a three year absence from the game, has turned to professional play with the Green Bay Packers.
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