Football Card Trivia
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Jim can pull out of the line to lead interference or hold his ground to protect the passer. A standout in college, he has plenty of stamina and eats up the rock 'em, sock 'em play of the N.F.L.
Boomer, a big, mobile quarterback who has one of the best throwing arms in football, led the Bengals to the '88 AFC Central Division title and into Super Bowl XXIII. He topped the NFL with a 97.4 passing rating, and led the AFC with 28 TD passes and 9.21 average yards per attempt. In '87, Boomer led the AFC with 3,321 passing yards and in 86, with 8.44 yards per pass.
In Matson, the Cardinals have the greatest collegiate ground gainer of all times, 3,166 yards in 3 years at University of San Francisco. His 1951 records, 174 rushing yards, 27.2 carries per game, also set new marks, Unanimous All-American choice and member of 1952 Olympics.
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