Football Card Trivia

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Who kicked the longest field goal for the Chiefs?

Ben Agajanian - 51 yards.

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From the 1964 Philadelphia card #58

What does Roger do in the off-season?

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Moritz Bohringer
Jerome Bettis
Cleveland Gary
Taylor Mays
Rhett Bomar
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Andy's favorite activity is smearing enemy passers. He darts in, brushing aside blockers and nails his man with amazing frequency. At diagnosing opponents play, he is an expert.

Starred as defensive back at Clearfield (UT) High, as did brother Andre, now a Titans teammate... Younger brother Patrick, also a DB, is third Dyson to play at Utah... Their father, Steve, played at rival Utah State.

Colts running back Jonathan Taylor gave his scouting report on Pittman in 2021, saying, "It seems like Pitt, he just goes into kind of a beast mode kind of deal. When the ball's in his hands, he's like, 'No one is stopping me' and if the ball's in the air, he's like, 'This ball is mine,' or it's a Pl."

Roy Williams

Rookie Cards

Adrian Peterson
Burt Grossman
Elbert Kimbrough

Recent Additions

Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

Total Card Count


Erik McMillan