Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

What is the longest run from scrimmage?

Andy Uram ran 97 yards. GREEN BAY vs. CHICAGO CARDS - Oct. 8, 1939. Robert Gage tied record - PITTSBURGH vs. CHICAGO CARDS - Dec. 4, 1949.

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From the 1953 Bowman card #68

What is the longest return of kickoff?

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Mike Kenn
Vince Wilfork
Jim Kiick
Jonathan Ogden
Vince Newsome
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Joined Bears in 1949. A ball player's player. Can run, block, tackle and catch passes with the best. One of the most feared receivers in the League. Took over Bears' No. 1 fullback position in first season. Great defensive player at halfback, or backing up line from fullback position. Helped lead U. of Arkansas to Cotton Bowl, 1946. Works for his dad in construction business in off-season.

When John was acquired as a rookie from the Jets, Boston scribes tagged the quarterback a "can't miss prospect." The former All-American will be ready to inherit a role from vet Parilli in the future.

Art Monk wasn't big on letters, with just seven of them in his name. When it came to numbers, however, he was an integer collector. The receiver produced massive stats throughout his Hall of Fame career. Peaking in 1984, he turned a league-high 106 catches into 1,372 yards.

Danny Villanueva

Rookie Cards

Greg Hill
Lynn Bowden, Jr.
Neil Smith

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Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

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Tim Brown