Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

What is the longest run from scrimmage?

Andy Uram ran 97 yards. GREEN BAY vs. CHICAGO CARDS - Oct. 8, 1939. Robert Gage tied record - PITTSBURGH vs. CHICAGO CARDS - Dec. 4, 1949.

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From the 1962 Topps card #15

Who caught the most passes in 1 game?

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Leonard Floyd
Lance Kendricks
Rodney Peete
Michael Clayton
Ben Roethlisberger
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Once again Jim has led the Cards in scoring. His talented toe connected on 33 XPS without a miss and 21 of 31 FG attempts. He has never missed an XP since becoming a pro and that is in 117 tries. Quite a record!

Rated the nation's top line prospect for the '61 pro season, Merlin was named "NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year" by Pro Football Illustrated.

In 1965, Jacky really came into his own as a quarterback. He took over the reigns at Denver and completed 44 of 80 attempts which was good for 692 yards and five touchdowns.

Ian Beckles

Rookie Cards

Scott Stephen
Alec Ogletree
Jimmy Smith

Recent Additions

Austin Ekeler
Will Levis
Baker Mayfield

Total Card Count


Vance Johnson