Categories/Tags: Playoffs/Series

Displaying 541 - 576 of 1272 cards with the category or tag

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263 Semi-finals: Flyers Skate Past North Stars
406 Yankees: 2000 World Series Champions
321 Conference Championship Weekend: R.W. McQuarters
355 Postseason Highlights: Giants Win Pennant
734 Postseason Highlights: World Series - Red Sox Win World Series! The Curse Is Broken!
311 World Series Game #6: Matsui Knocks In 6
UH189 Postseason Highlights: AL League Championship Series: Game 3
502 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Doug Gilmour
309 World Series Game #4: Damon Steals 2 Bags On 1 Pitch
260 2012 NLDS Game 5: San Francisco GIants
369 American League Divisional Series
212 World Series Game 3, Lance McCullers
234 2010 World Series Game #3
205 NL Postseason: Riley Game 1 Walk-Off Single
205 National League Championship Series: Game #4
318 AFC Championship Game: Troy Polamalu
133 NBA Championship Game #1
351 Eastern Conference First Round: Indiana Pacers Vs. Atlanta Hawks
236 1998 World Series: Tino Martinez
138 NFC Championship Game
246 ALDS Games 1-7: B.J. Upton, Evan Longoria, Carl Crawford
351 Postseason Highlights: Angels Shock Yanks, Giants Oust Braves
