Categories/Tags: Playoffs/Series

Displaying 649 - 684 of 1272 cards with the category or tag

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440 Super Bowl XLI: Chicago Bears
205 World Series Game 3: Reds Win Squeeker
374 National League Divisional Series
360 Western Conference Semifinals: San Antonio Spurs Vs. Los Angeles Lakers
235 2010 World Series Game #4
224 1971 World Series: Game No. 2
282 World Series: Chad Ogea
226 1971 World Series: Game No. 4
187 Stanley Cup Champtions, Neal Broten
353 Postseason Highlights: Bring On The Yankees! Marlins Survive Snow Plow
388 2008 World Series Game #4
249 Championship: Lakers Vs. 76ers
502 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Doug Gilmour
402 N.L. Championships: Phillies Squeak Past Astros
234 1961 World Series Game #3
179 World Series Highlights: Clayton Kershaw
306 1960 World Series Game #1
215 Finals: Flyers Vs. Bruins
240 1998 World Series: Mariano Rivera
167 1968 World Series Game #6
380 National League Championship Series
211 Quarter-Finals: Bruins Vs. Maple Leafs
1023 1919 World Series, Game 5: Edd Roush
222 N.L. League Championship Series
