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Squires Card of the Day

George Carter
Having seen only brief action with the Detroit Pistons in 1967-68, George joined the Washington Capitols after a military hitch. Playing behind Rick Barry, he had a chance at a starting role when Rick suffered his second knee injury. George responded impressively and quickly, with a 24-point performance against the New Orleans Buccaneers in his first start.

Daily Position Focus: Forward

George Irvine
Julius Erving
Neil Johnson
George Carter
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Recent Additions

Jim Eakins
Dave Twardzik
George Irvine

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* Factoid: Jim Eakins played Center for the mighty Squires.
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Had 619 assists for Floridians in 1970-71. Set mark with 11 assists in 1974 ABA All-Star Game.

Having seen only brief action with the Detroit Pistons in 1967-68, George joined the Washington Capitols after a military hitch. Playing behind Rick Barry, he had a chance at a starting role when Rick suffered his second knee injury. George responded impressively and quickly, with a 24-point performance against the New Orleans Buccaneers in his first start.

Averaged 22.9 points & 15.4 rebounds per game in four-year varsity career at Louisiana Tech.

Rookie Cards

George Irvine
Julius Erving
Charlie Scott

Gallery Redux!

Roland Taylor, Guard - Squires.
Dave Twardzik, Guard - Squires.

Back to the Front! Squires card back du jour...

Jim Eakins
Jim's favorite shot is his turn-around jumper in the key, and he'll go either way to the basket. His role with Squires is to concentrate on defense and leave scoring to others. Had fine games vs. Mel Daniels and Zelmo Beaty.

Card Sets

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