Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Who set the record for the most yards per punt returned in a season?

Griffin of Florida. 26.7 in 1947.

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Name that player!

Considered by many as the finest center in the American Football League, Bobby originally broke in as a linebacker. He has cat-like quickness and is a powerful blocker. In the past three seasons, Bobby has not had a bad snap from center. This center is extremely effective at protecting his quarterback on pass plays.

Rates with Center Don Paul as oldest in point of service to Rams having played seven seasons after coming up from U. C. L. A. in 1948. Holds two all-time N. F. L. records-most passes caught in one game (18 vs. Green Bay, 1950) and most passes caught in one season (84 in 1950). Attended Manual Arts High in Los Angeles. Lettered at Santa Clara, 1941-42 and U. C. L. A., 1946-47, All Pacific Coast with Bruins both seasons, but was noted largely for ability as a defensive end. Rams' 11th draft choice in 1945.

One of the smartest defenders in the game, Joe puts up a "No Trespassing" sign in the Lions' secondary. He can diagnose plays brilliantly and is rarely out of position.

Ron Wolfley

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Austin Davis