Football Card Trivia

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What happens if a player helps a runner advance?

15 yard penalty from the spot of the foul.

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From the 1964 Philadelphia card #11

What other position has Dick played?

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Marcus Robertson
Gill Byrd
Philip Rivers
Shaun Alexander
Harold Green
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

Max is a top-ranked veteran offensive guard who attained starting status in the Pro Bowl Game following his brilliant campaign of 1988. A strong performer and excellent blocker with fine agility and enormous determination, he is a team leader for the Bengals. At 275 lbs., Max is within a few pounds of his UCLA weight.

Rough, tough Gino is starting his second decade in the National Football League in '62. The bruising defensive end has been an All-pro for six consecutive seasons. Gino is a hard man to fool, and opposing quarterbacks try to work their plays around him.

Again in '66 Ray led the Colts in receiving with 56 grabs for 786 yards and 7 TD's. He extended his NFL record to 630 catches and team records to 9,108 yards and 67 TD's. He holds about every other Colt receiving record as well.

Galen Fiss

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Willis Peguese
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Jim Lachey