Football Card Trivia
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Coffee Talk Name that player!
Milano has made interceptions before, just none like the one he did against the Titans in Week 2 of the 2022 season. He picked off a pass, stumbled a bit after securing the ball and then gathered himself to take off for his first career pick-six. The linebacker ran it back 43 yards during a 41-7 win.
Injuries kept Willie on the bench most of his rookie season. He built himself up for the '65 season with a weight lifting program. He was 12th in KO Returns in '65, with 24 which he returned for 615 yards, averaging 25.6 yards a return.
"Shipwreck" Kelley, former Kentucky University player and captain of the Brooklyn Dodgers is a long-legged, hard running type of back whose high knee action makes him difficult to tackle. This "sewing machine" style of running forces tacklers to reach high to avoid being injured by the up-and-down thrust of the knees and gives Kelley a better chance to shake them off. He usually plays without a headguard making his blond thatch of hair a familiar mark for the spectators. Young players are advised to use headguards under all circumstances, thus saving themselves the chance of serious head injury.
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