Football Card Trivia

Answer to Trivia Question

Who was voted M.V.P. on the Jets in 1966?

George Sauer.

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Rodney Hampton
Charley Johnson
Bill Bradley
Isiah Robertson
Rickey Jackson
Coffee Talk
Name that player!

After a season in Canadian Football, Bill joined the Lions last season. Between campaigns, he is a dedicated church worker. On the field, Bill is a deadly tackler.

Doug has snuffed out many a runner's bid for a touchdown with his explosive power. When Doug sets out to get his man, he's rarely disappointed.

After a Week 1 loss. Tampa Bay turned to Fournette for a spark the next Sunday. The hard-nosed runner delivered, rushing for 103 yards and catching four passes out of the backfield. His 46-yard touchdown scamper with under two minutes to play sealed the team's 31-17 victory over Carolina.

David Garrard

Rookie Cards

Barney Bussey
Grant Delpit
Dave Rowe

Recent Additions

Richard Dent
Neal Anderson
Jim McMahon

Total Card Count


Gino Cappelletti