Football Card Trivia
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Coffee Talk Name that player!
Think turning 40 would slow down the Patriots' franchise quarterback? Think again. Brady led the league in passing yards, pass attempts and passing vards per game in 2017, earning his third career spot on the All-Pro First Team. He's the oldest player to lead the league in those categories in NFL history.
Mickey has all the leadership abilities to become one of the greats in football. Considered to many to be the finest quarterback to come out of college in 1962, Mickey has lived up to his potential in the pros. He has great poise and is well on the way to stardom. He will be battling Jacky Lee for starting quarterback honors.
Art has become the first Redskin receiver ever to record 3 consecutive seasons of 1000-or-more Yards and 3 straight of 70-plus Catches.
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